March 14th, 2011
Quote of the Day:
Experience is the Best Teacher.
We like to think that we have to have everything figured out before we can make it happen, or that everything has to be perfect before we can take that first step, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In today's ever evolving, fast paced, high-tech world, the passive (not to be confused with passive income) approach is only a gateway we create to watch key opportunities to pass us by. This ultimately leads to people becoming nothing more than another shoulder for someone else to step on as they aggressively fight their way to the top. This is why we have to recognize that one of our best tutors in life is to just get out there and get in the mix. Gaining that first-hand knowledge most people spend most of their time trying to eliminate. No one makes it to the top by simply implementing proven strategies that helped someone else get to the top. Don’t get me wrong, implementation is important! But those who are at the top are innovators that busted their ass implementing the strategies we rely on today back before anyone else did. This is a realm that requires risk, and with risk one must be willing to experience whatever may come. Many people say that with age comes wisdom... this is completely false! I believe it’s more accurate to say that with experience comes wisdom. Age doesn't guarantee experience! How could this be true? Especially when it has been proven that the majority of people living today choose to live life defensively. This means that they choose to allow whatever circumstances their environment may create to dictate the way they live life from day to day. That’s not what will get us to the top though! We must be those who choose to live life intentionally. Those who aren’t just breathing... but those who are actually living! We must choose to play offense in this game we call life. We can’t just settle for having the bull by the horns, but we got to have it by the balls too! But this can only true of those who have the balls to dance with the bull in the first place.
Let's not be professional learners, but rather educated risk takers, because experience is indeed the best teacher for those who are willing to do what it takes to get to the top.
By Daniel Fortune
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