Fortunesaver.com : Our Power to Pursue is only possible so long as we persevere in preserving that power!
As I sit down to collect my thoughts and try to write something that I believe will be both inspiring and uplifting, I can’t help but escape the feeling that that’s not what my focus needs to be. If my focus is solely to create a “feel good,” instead of the “know how to,” I run the risk of being lost in translation twice over.
Either way, I still run the risk of creating two extremes. All heart and no head, or all head and no heart. With these things being said, it’s my honest hope and prayer to bring the two together in this short venture… WISH ME LUCK!!!
Needless to say, we live in the midst of trying times within this country of ours, and as a nation we find ourselves being tested on many fronts. It’s almost impossible for us to not join in on the finger pointing, or the latest seek and destroy mission in search of the “culprit” for all of our current American woes! Unfortunately, a lot of us have resorted to fault finding, but what good does it do to solely present problems in the absence of well intentioned solutions? It doesn’t do any good! I know, because I’ve tried!!
So, here I sit with the rather difficult task of doing what I can to try and stymie the confusion that’s so prevalent today. In a way that calls for writers to be more surgical than literary; as we face a society that’s stuck in a full fledged battle of extremes, and the media seems to be perfectly content with fanning the flames.
The Two Extremes… currently “trending” amongst us, is the idea that America needs change more than anything else, and the belief that the best form of Government is no government at all. While one group wants to redefine freedom, the other wants to make it impossible uphold it!
It’s my firm belief that both views are nothing more than extremes that have been repeated through every age and stage of humanities existence, and neither position has ever worked! It seems logical to me that what we need is to revisit the beauty of what was originally handed down through the ages by our American forefathers.
Many of us blindly assert that America is solely a dream that is merely pursued by us citizens, but I’m here to say that it was once a reality that didn’t need a dream to support it. The American dream was once a reality! It wasn’t something that needed to be pursued while living within these borders, but rather, a living reality!! What was that reality? It was freedom to choose what you wanted to do with your life. Freedom to pursue the happiness that made you personally happy. Freedom to worship your God freely. Many of us think that the American Dream resides within the thrill of the chase, but the American Dream resides within the freedom that makes that chase even possible!
As long as we continue to pursue the Dream without preserving its provisional freedoms we will lose them both!!!
Within the book The 5000 Year Leap (Principles of Freedom 101), by W. Cleon Skousen, of the National Center for Constitutional Studies, he says:
“Of recent I have often wondered what Franklin would say if asked whether our present Republic was in ascendency or decline? Certainly Benjamin Franklin’s observation at that time was valid… however, I believe if we could ask him what he would say today, I believe he would say, “It represents a setting sun!” Why? There are many reasons, namely
1. We have not followed the admonition of our founding fathers.
“A people must from time to time, refresh themselves at the well-spring of their origin, lest they perish.”
2. We have not assigned the maintaining of our freedom a high priority.
“A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of our constitution, and a constant adherence to those of piety, justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality are absolutely necessary to preserve the advantage of liberty, and to maintain a free government.” (Massachusetts Bill of Rights, 1780)
3. We have allowed the mortal enemies of freedom to dominate the debate.
“Though, when a people shall have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes.” (G. Washington, Letter to Lafayette, 1788)
4. We have elected some of the most undesirable persons to high office.
“Effective resistance to usurpers is possible only provided the citizens understand their rights and are disposed to defend them.” (The Federalist, No. 28, Alexander Hamilton)
5. We have evicted “Providence” from our counsels, schools, courts, and assemblies.
“From the day of the Declaration… they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of the gospel, which they nearly all acknowledged as the rulers of their conduct.” (John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State, Oration celebrating July 4th, 1821)
Unfortunately, as a Country, we no longer look to the principles of our Constitution as something worthy to defend. Many people look at our Constitution and its principles as something obscure, extreme, and even outdated. But this couldn’t be further from the truth, because its principles find root in the natural laws that govern us all as created beings… but even this is something largely contested today!
Our founders constructed our Republic based off of the unalienable rights we no longer feel we need, because we are quickly becoming a secular nation who no longer sees a need for the God that created us with these rights in mind. Unfortunately, this will only prove to be the demise of this once so prosperous and bountiful nation of ours, but as an American I will continue to do the American thing, and reserve the hope that we can still turn this thing around.
Until next time… God bless America, Amen.
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